

  • 整容室第四季第14集



  This drama is set in a south Florida plastic surgery center, McNamara-Troy, centering around the two doctors who own it. Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) is having problems at home, trying to keep his family together, trying to patch up the rocky road him and his wife Julia (Joely Richardson) are experiencing. On the other hand, sex-craved Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) uses his charm to bring in potential female candidates and conducts shady business deals, often for the love of money. While Sean takes his job seriously, he often has to fix Christian’s mistakes. During the first season, Sean and Christian got mixed up with Escobar Gallardo, a Colombian drug lord who forced the two to do free surgery whenever he wanted them to. Sean’s marriage with Julia began to wear thin, and Sean had an affair with a patient named Megan O’Hara. Julia went back to school, but it was interrupted by a miscarriage of a child Sean and Julia were trying to have. Christian learned he is the father of a baby with a woman named Gina, who he met at Sexaholics Anonymous. When the baby was born, we learn that the baby is African-American, and therefore not his. Julia questions Matt’s paternity.


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  • 1.0更新至1037集海贼王田中真弓,冈村明美,中井和哉,山口胜平,平田广明
  • 1.012集全25岁的女高中生原田瞳,和央きりか,泽城千春,森下京平,高冢智人,古河徹人
  • 9.0更新至170集斗罗大陆第一季沈磊,翟巍,吴磊,陶典
  • 6.0完结死神森田成一,折笠富美子,松冈由贵,伊藤健太郎,杉山纪彰,置鲇龙太郎,安元洋贵,森川智之,大原沙耶香,钉宫理惠,真殿光昭,菅生隆之,森久保祥太郎,三木真一郎,梁田清之,濑那步美,本田贵子,下屋则子,雪野五月,斋藤志郎,野田顺子,福山润,小西克幸,茂吕田和江,上田祐司,中岛沙树,真田麻美,生天目仁美,成田剑,丸山咏二,广濑正志,千叶繁,千叶进步,东地宏树,小野大辅,丰口惠美,斧笃,市来光弘,汤屋敦子,吉野裕行,塚田正昭,大塚明夫,山口太郎,川上伦子,桑岛法子,樫井笙人,游佐浩二,樱井孝宏,久川绫,野上尤加奈,西
  • 10.0更新至10集斗罗大陆2绝世唐门 第四季内详

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